Exclude one row from calculation

3 views (last 30 days)
Max Bornemann
Max Bornemann on 22 Feb 2019
Commented: Max Bornemann on 22 Feb 2019
Hello, i am new in MATLAB. I am searching for a way to calculate with every but one row (in this example it is the second row).
This is my code, which doesn`t work:
What i could do would be:
logodds(1:5,:)=log(ABC([1 3 4 5 6],1)./ABC(Reference,1));
But the first part of the calculation ABC([1 3 4 5 6],1) musst be dependent on "Reference" because the value of Reference can change between 1 and 6. It should be a solution, where i don´t have to enumerate every row seperately. I want to express something like: Use for calculation every row (:) except the Reference-row (~=Reference).
I will greatly appreciate any assistance.

Accepted Answer

Rik on 22 Feb 2019
The easiest way to do this is with a logical vector:
However, this might fail for decimal values that have float rounding errors. In that case you may want to use ismembertol to generate the vector, or use
L= abs(ABC-Reference) < 2*eps;
Rik on 22 Feb 2019
You can use the all or any functions to convert L back to a vector to suit your needs. This method does not rely on the 2 being in the second row, so that does not matter.
Max Bornemann
Max Bornemann on 22 Feb 2019
Didn't know all of any functions. Thanks again! :-)

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