State transition which needs to be triggered when a condition is met for a fixed period of time.

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a state transition which needs to be triggered when a condition is met for a fixed period of time.
In the example below, the response I would like is for the transition from the on to the off state to occur when the input is == 1 continuously for 5 seconds. If, during the 5 seconds input becomes == 0 the state should remain on and the timer should reset. i.e. if input is ==1Query.PNG again, it will wait for 5 seconds before transitioning to off.

Answers (1)

Muthukumar Ganesan
Muthukumar Ganesan on 13 Aug 2022
Based on your implementation, adding a self transition with condition Input != 1, Please refer to the screenshot.


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