greater than less than
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- close all;
- tag_arr = randi(0:1,1,8);
- N = 16;
- hadamardmat = hadamard(N);
- codeTx1 = hadamardmat(:,1);
- codeTx2 = hadamardmat(:,2);
- codeTx3 = hadamardmat(:,3);
- codeTx4 = hadamardmat(:,4);
- codeTx5 = hadamardmat(:,5);
- codeTx6 = hadamardmat(:,6);
- codeTx7 = hadamardmat(:,7);
- codeTx8 = hadamardmat(:,8);
- code_Tx9 = hadamardmat(:,9);
- code_Tx10 = hadamardmat(:,10);
- code_Tx11 = hadamardmat(:,11);
- code_Tx12 = hadamardmat(:,12);
- code_Tx13 = hadamardmat(:,13);
- code_Tx14 = hadamardmat(:,14);
- code_Tx15 = hadamardmat(:,15);
- code_Tx16 = hadamardmat(:,16);
- scm = [codeTx1 codeTx2 codeTx3 codeTx4 codeTx5 codeTx6 codeTx7 codeTx8 code_Tx9 code_Tx10 code_Tx11 code_Tx12 code_Tx13 code_Tx14 code_Tx15 code_Tx16];
- sc_t = scm;
- sc_t(sc_t == -1) = 0;
- sc_o=sc_t;
- no_oftags = 5;
- out_array = zeros(no_oftags,16);
- for n = 1:no_oftags
- out_array(n,:) = xor(tag_arr(1,n),sc_t(n,:));
- end
- tau = zeros(1,no_oftags);
- sigma = 1;
- for n = 1:no_oftags
- tau(1,n) = sigma*sqrt(-2*log(1-rand(1)));
- end
- volts_forall = zeros(no_oftags,16);
- for n = 1:no_oftags
- volts_forall(n,:) = ((-5 + 10*(out_array(n,:)*tau(1,n))));
- end
- volts_add = zeros(1,16);
- for n = 1:no_oftags
- volts_add(1,:) = volts_add + (volts_forall(n,:));
- end
- voltsadd_val = volts_add;
- voltsadd_val(voltsadd_val>=0) = 1;
- voltsadd_val(voltsadd_val<0) = 0;
I am trying a code where I have to simple make all the positive values to 1 and negative values to 0 in voltsadd_val matrix but whenever i run the program the syntax doesnt work prroperly. I dont know whats wrong ..
volts_add =
Columns 1 through 11
10.2478 11.0875 8.3853 -11.0500 14.2229 15.0626 12.3604 -7.0749 10.2478 11.0875 8.3853
Columns 12 through 16
-11.0500 14.2229 15.0626 12.3604 -7.0749
voltsadd_val =
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Answers (2)
Kevin Phung
on 15 Feb 2019
here's an example:
voltsadd_val = [1 5 3; -2 -5 5; 1 -5 3];
voltsadd_val(voltsadd_val>0) = 1; % if pos, 1
voltsadd_val(voltsadd_val<0) = 0; % if neg, 0
madhan ravi
on 16 Feb 2019
Suspect the OP did the same thing not sure why the OP says it doesn’t work though. Maybe more expanation is needed then.
Walter Roberson
on 18 Feb 2019
voltsadd_val = volts_add >= 0;
No logical indexing required.
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