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Error with the "Design an Internally Matched Ultra-wideband Vivaldi Antenna" example

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm following the Design an Internally Matched Ultra-wideband Vivaldi Antenna example about Antenna Toolbox. Everything was find except Phase Center Variation of the Antenna section. The problem that I encountered is with helperFieldInSphericalCoordinates associated function. Matlab raises and exception and says that this function does not exist. I searched in the documentation but I did not find anything. Anyone can give some information or some insights about that ? Thank you in advance.

Accepted Answer

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 12 Feb 2019
You will need to open the example in MATLAB. In there you should have a button labled as "Open Example" or something close. When you click that button, MATLAB will copy all related files for this example into a folder and you will have access to that example.
  1 Comment
Oscar on 16 Feb 2019
Thank you for your answer, it worked as you said. Do you know why appears the dielectric in the mesh ? The MOM method ( which is the method used for matlab toolbox antenna ) do not discretize the dielectric.When I run the example in my computer in the mesh do not appear the dielectric indeed as its expected.

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