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Change categorical array categories in table for use in uitable dropdown

18 views (last 30 days)
I'm programming an App Designer GUI with uitable. Some table columns are categorical to do drop-down. On occasion, I want to extend or shorten the categories in table dropdown without changing anything else in the table.
However, if use setcats or assign a new categorical array to the table cell, the drop-down-menu will not change because the new categories are not assigned to the table data.
I wrote a small example code attached to demonstrate this, its basically like in the manual : there is a Table with Row "Color" which has two Categories Blue and Red and I try to assign a new categorical array with Green:
tdata.Color(1) = categorical({'Red'},{'Blue','Red','Green'})
The categories will not be updated unless there is a new Value. categories(tdata.Color(1)) will now not include Green.
The attached example shows:
  • The top button "Color(1) = Red" does the line of code above. Dropdown doesnt get updated, tdata does not include new categories.
  • The middle button "Color(1) = Green" uses value 'Green' with same cats as above, this changes all drop-down-menus in that row.
  • The bottom button "Add Row" adds a Row with value "Blue" and three categories. Now "Green" gets added to the dropdown.
How can I change the categories of a table column and the dropdown-list without changing anything else in this table?

Answers (2)

Luna on 8 Feb 2019
Hi Vik,
I don't know why it didn't work, I have tried what you did above. I tried exact the same thing with categorical variables and table. There should be reason why it does not work, otherwise it looks like a bug.
I have done this kind of thing before with cell arrays as follows. You can try it, it works.
f = uifigure;
cnames = 'Blue'; % Column Color Data
cVars = {{'Blue','Red'},[]}; % Column variables for Colors column and empty for second column. (If you don't want to make the other columns dropdown you should put [] for each column)
w = [400]; % Second column data
tdata = {cnames,w}; % Your table data (You should define it as cell array, if you define as a table 'ColumnFormat' property becomes useless)
uit = uitable(f,'Data',tdata,'ColumnEditable',true,'ColumnFormat',cVars,'ColumnName',{'Color','Wavelength'}); % table creation with ColumnName (this will be your table data's variables right now)
%% Now change cVars as 3 categories as new cVars
cVars_new = {{'Blue','Red','Green'},[]};
uit.ColumnFormat = cVars_new; % Change uitable's ColumnFormat property with the new variables.
  1 Comment
Arnab Samaddar-Chaudhuri
Arnab Samaddar-Chaudhuri on 13 Feb 2023
Tried this out and it works. If the data contains multiple rows, a little modification is needed but it will work based on the same principle.

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Tommy M
Tommy M on 6 Mar 2019
This is definitely a bug in R2018b. I’ve tried renamecats, setcats and direct =. The changes only seem to take if there is a change in one of the item’s values (and maybe other's but this works) – and of course most times you don’t want to change anything other than the categories. So, I wrote an incredibly bad generic routine that will take in a string of the app table categorical array you want to change (inlude 'app.' in the text). Had to use eval because the categorical variable can't be passed in as a reference. Until the Matlab bug is fixed here goes:
function num_undefined = guiUpdateCategories(app,categorical_in,new_selections)
if sum(isundefined(eval(categorical_in))) ~= 0
uialert(app.UIFigure,'<guiUpdateCategories> Undefined Inputs','Info');
% 60% of the time it works every time
sels = cellstr(eval(categorical_in));
sels_save = sels;
sels{1} = 'asdfasd';
junk = categorical(sels,{'asdfasd'});
command = [categorical_in, ' = junk;'];
junk2 = categorical(sels_save,new_selections);
command = [categorical_in, ' = junk2;'];
num_undefined = sum(isundefined(eval(categorical_in)));
if num_undefined ~= 0
uialert(app.UIFigure,'<guiUpdateCategories> Undefined Outputs','Warning');


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