Error evaluating parameter 'Mechanical' in 'model/Asynchronous Machine SI Units' Caused by: Index exceeds array bounds.

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f = 50;
Ps = 2e6;
n = 1500;
Vs = 690;
Is = 1760;
Tem = 12732;
p = 2;
u = 1/3;
Vr = 2070;
smax = 1/3;
Vr_stator = (Vr*smax)*u;
Rs = 2.6e-3;
Lsi = .087e-3;
Lm = 2.5e-3;
Rr = 2.9e-3;
Ls = Lm + Lsi;
Lr = Lm + Lsi;
Vbus = Vr_stator*sqrt(2);
sigma = 1-Lm^2/(Ls*Lr);
Fs = Vs*sqrt(2/3)/(2*pi*f);
J = 127;
D = 1e-3;
fsw = 4e3;
Ts = 1/fsw/50;
tau_i = (sigma*Lr)/Rr;
tau_n = 0.05;
wni = 100*1/(tau_i);
wnn = 1/tau_n;
kp_id = (2*wni*sigma*Lr)- Rr;
kp_iq = kp_id;
ki_id = (wni^2)*Lr*sigma;
ki_iq = ki_id;
kp_n = (2*wnn*J)/p;
ki_n = ((wnn^2)*J)/p;
this is my source code please help me???g
I trying to do doubly fed induction motor simulink i got air in asnchronous machine bock
i got error Error evaluating parameter 'Mechanical' in 'model/Asynchronous Machine SI Units'
Caused by:
  • Index exceeds array bounds.

Answers (1)

Arkanra Kadhum
Arkanra Kadhum on 17 Apr 2019
I think the error in the model, the list above is generator parameters.

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