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SVD file to normal coordinates

7 views (last 30 days)
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala on 23 Jan 2019
Answered: Ke Zhang on 24 Dec 2019
I have a .svd file ,how to get the coordinates and time values from it using matlab.From svd data to coordinates like M(x,y,t)
Is there any inbuilt function available for such.
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala on 24 Jan 2019
Thanks Jan !
I'm not pretty sure how to say what kind of .svd file that is.
But we get these from laser vibrometer and it has signal movement coordinate values for sure.
I'm thinking of a function from matlab to get M(i,j,k) values from it.
Jan on 24 Jan 2019
Ask the manufacturer of the software, which creates the files.

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Accepted Answer

per isakson
per isakson on 24 Jan 2019
Maybe Matlab functions comes with your instrument
  1 Comment
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala on 24 Jan 2019
Ah ! this is a good find.
Thanks,lemme have a check

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More Answers (1)

Ke Zhang
Ke Zhang on 24 Dec 2019
what happened then? how to read the sdv file? Thank you



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