importdata not reading date and time columns

2 views (last 30 days)
I need to read a text file arranged in columns, using Matlab R2012a, and eventually have it as a matrix so I can plot the numeric data. I have tried multiple ways, eventually importdata commands brings me pretty to close to what I need.
Problem is that the first two columns which are date and time are simply ignored and not read.
THis is about how my text file looks like.
2018-12-24 08:16:10.338 900 0 7550.000 4.846 -113.000 0.001 7.18e-09 4.65e-10 8.24e-12
2018-12-24 08:16:10.588 901.296 0 7550.000 4.856 -113.000 0.001 7.18e-09 4.65e-10 8.25e-12
2018-12-24 08:16:10.838 808.345 0 7550.000 4.846 -113.000 0.001 7.18e-09 4.65e-10 8.78e-13
2018-12-24 08:16:11.089 930.345 0 7550.000 4.846 -113.000 0.001 7.18e-09 4.65e-10 5.67e-13
2018-12-24 08:16:11.339 1000.794 0 7550.000 4.846 -113.000 0.001 7.18e-09 4.65e-10 8.24e-12
My code:
delimiterIn = ' ';
The table starts with the 3rd columns only.
Appreciate your help.

Accepted Answer

ahmed nebli
ahmed nebli on 25 Dec 2018
Edited: madhan ravi on 25 Dec 2018
i suggest you use the command "readtable" , see this link
Ben Keshet
Ben Keshet on 25 Dec 2018
thanks. sorry for the basic question - how do I handle this variable?
I got a cell type variable (<1X11 cell>).
eventually I want to plot each of the columns from column 3-11 vs time to view the time trending.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Dec 2018
time = datenum( strcat(DataCell{:,1}, {' '}, DataCell{:,2}) );
numerics = cell2mat(DataCell(:,3:11));
plot(time, numerics);
datetick('x', 'MM:ss.fff'); %show only minute, second, fraction

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