Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object
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I have ds containing cell arrrays (1 by 3571) and each cell index points to a table of 4 by 7 elements. When any cell is empty while concatenating, the above error is shown. Basically, I am trying to access the contents of the cells contained within the cell array "Table" and plot different fields on a 1 by 3571 grid where each index refers to a point on a lat/lon grid.
Here is the code: Any ideas how to fix the error and plot the content of the data set.
for n = 1:3571;
whos Table
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Table 1x3571 9326972 cell
Here is the sample content of one of the cells contained in teh cell array.
Var A UncA B UncB C UncC
'1' -0.0186917327837646 -0.0266242514128150 0.00420612704074986 -0.00200002085968102 0.107411895593770 0.0187751225715014
'2' -0.0141854422900873 -0.0316765707830826 0.00382987363234866 -0.00237934723997174 0.0345770815773565 0.0224174109442981
'3' -0.0180850135958575 -0.0258819602652245 0.00416311313467285 -0.00194411629488122 NaN NaN
'4' -0.0167188467826965 -0.0315984164923636 0.00407529091905538 -0.00236624020568344 NaN NaN
Accepted Answer
on 28 Nov 2018
Edited: Greg
on 29 Nov 2018
If I'm understanding correctly, some indices of your cell array contain tables, and others are empty? What do you want to happen with the empty cells?
blnEmptyCells = cellfun(@isempty,Table);
%%% If throwing them out isn't ok, see additional posts below
Table(blnEmptyCells) = [];
Unc = cell(length(Table),1);
for ij = 1:length(Table)
Unc{ij} = Table{1,ij}.UncA;
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