How can I plot 3 defined variables on a loglog scale with 2 x-axis with same y-axis.

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load Cmp2.txt;
p= Cmp2(:,1);
u= Cmp2(:,2);
loglog(ii,K,'o') %This is the plot that I would like to add the third variable (Re).
title('K vs i'), xlabel('i (-)'), ylabel('K (m/s)')
%How Can alter the third x axis parameters/limits to fit the data better?
  1 Comment
dpb on 22 Nov 2018
What do you want plotted, specifically? Need the data to be able to see what you've got.
Certainly it's possible to have two x-axes similar to two y-axes. TMW built yyaxis for the latter; hard to understand why they didn't go ahead with x as well, but there's example of what to do specifically and I suspect somebody else has been fed up enough to have posted a routine on the File Exchange.

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