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Checking the timer Running property

22 views (last 30 days)
Sallie on 8 Nov 2018
Answered: Paul Kloker on 2 Jul 2019
Hi all,
I want to check the running status of a timer in my program. The timer is used to turn a digital pin on an arduino pin to turn On and Off at a specific time and then turn it off. I want to perform other task if the timer is running. I used the following code to check the running property of the timer but it reads always ON.
R = get(ledtimer,'Running');
if (R =='on')
fprintf('Timer is running');

Answers (1)

Paul Kloker
Paul Kloker on 2 Jul 2019
Hey Sallie,
just got the same problem. Here is my solution:
R = get(ledtimer, 'Running');
if isequal(R ,'on')
fprintf('Timer is running');


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