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How can Phased Array System Toolbox be added in MATLAB ?

14 views (last 30 days)
Hi. I am working on delay in MATLAB and when I use 'delayseq' function then error apperas that:
'delayseq' requires Phased Array System Toolbox how can I add this toolbox ? Please help in this regard.

Accepted Answer

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 5 Nov 2018
Edited: madhan ravi on 5 Nov 2018
1)go to Matlab application
2) home
3) adds-on
5) download it
Sarfaraz Ahmed
Sarfaraz Ahmed on 5 Nov 2018
Dear sir, could you please give some look on this thread ? if you could help.
Motaher Hossain
Motaher Hossain on 16 May 2022
I use matlab R2016b How can I get this phased array system toolbox I can't go to adds-on and download.

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