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Calculate residuals as a single number in lsqnonlin function

2 views (last 30 days)
I solve a nonlinear curve fitting problem using the lsqnonlin Matlab function.
I am interested to check the residual of my fitting each time so I am returning the residual each time I call the lsqnonlin function. I wanted to calculate a single number of the residual to see if the fits gets better after doing some changes in my data. My data are 3D images. Each time I calculated the sum of residuals using the sum() function. I ended up though with very large numbers, e.g. 7.3507e+04. Is there a better way to represent the residual in a single number than calculating the sum?
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Matt J
Matt J on 24 Oct 2018
It is not clear why you think you need a "better" way. If you want the numbers to be smaller just scale down your objective function, e.g.,
objfun_new =@(x) objfun_old(x)/1e4;

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Answers (2)

Rik on 24 Oct 2018
Yes, the sum of squares or the RMS:
The downside of using the plain sum is that a large negative and a large positive will cancel out, which is clearly not what you want. Whether or not a number is large should not be a factor in your decision, just that you want to minimize it.
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Rik on 30 Oct 2018
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Torsten on 24 Oct 2018
If you use the usual naming conventions of lsqnonlin, the residual is "sum(F.^2)"
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