How can I make plots (maps) of spatial variability for 1) linear trend, 2) annual amplitude, and 3) phase change for GRACE derived TWS changes over a specific region and period

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I want to make plots (maps) of spatial patterns (spatial variability) for 1) linear trend, 2)annual amplitude, and 3) phase changes of a GRACE derived TWS(terrestrial water storage) changes over a specific region and period. The model equation I want to use is: y(ti)= ao + a1ti + a2cos(ωti)+ a3sin(ωti)+ a4cos(2ωti)+ a5sin(2ωti)+ ε(ti) ti- is time in month, and y(ti) is monthly GRACE data from 2003 to 2015. a1,a2, a3 , a4 and a5 are the regression coefficients, ao is a constant offset and ε(ti) is the model bias. I want to determine these regression coefficients using multiple linear regression analysis. I have understood the theory of MLRA. What I could not do is to write the matlab code which can compute these regression coefficients for a specific region (lat= -12deg to 18deg and long = 25deg to 50deg)and specific period (2003 to 2015 = 156 months). Would you please provide me the matlab codes which compute a0, a1,a2, a3 , a4 and a5

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