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How can I compare all test samples with training samples by euclidean distance?

1 view (last 30 days)
The features of the images were extracted, 60 training images and 20 images for test.
Use the euclidean distance to compare the test samples with the training samples.
test_template2= repmat(test_template1,1,size(trdata,2));
E_distance = sqrt(sum((test_template2-euclidean_template).^2));
[result indxofmin]=min(E_distance)
Using this code I can compare one sample of the test samples with all the training samples.
How can I compare all test samples with training samples and give the closest sample number for each sample of the test?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Jul 2018
Use pdist2() from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.

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