Plot data in loop with num2str

4 views (last 30 days)
yoni verhaegen
yoni verhaegen on 23 Jul 2018
Commented: Stephen23 on 24 Jul 2018
Hi all,
I want to plot a dynamic figure by plotting the sixth column of the datasets Meteo1752 to Meteo1966:
for k = balyr:endyr
plot(['Meteo' num2str(k) '(:,6)']);
However, the error says
Error using plot
Invalid first data argument.
What am I doing wrong?
Adam on 23 Jul 2018
Edited: Adam on 23 Jul 2018
doc plot
tells you what the valid data types are for the inputs. plot expects numeric data arguments (or an axes handle as first argument). You are giving it a string.
You'll have to give your actual data to the plot instruction, and probably you will need to use
doc hold
Stephen23 on 24 Jul 2018
@yoni verhaegen: what you are trying to do is not recommended. Read this to know why:
It is easy to avoid this situation: usually some indexing is the key.

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Answers (2)

Dimitris Kalogiros
Dimitris Kalogiros on 23 Jul 2018
If you want to display something on your workspace, use disp() instead of plot()
for k = balyr:endyr
%plot(['Meteo' num2str(k) '(:,6)']);
disp(['Meteo' num2str(k) '(:,6)']);

dpb on 23 Jul 2018
Edited: dpb on 23 Jul 2018
Several things...the specific error is trying to plot() a string; ML will not do character substitution like that.
The more fundamental issue is in having created the multiple variables with sequential names; as you've just discovered, now you have a problem in addressing them.
See the FAQ that talks about how to avoid the problem; we don't know how these were created so the best way to choose isn't clear.

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