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Question about how to create cameraparams object

2 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to use pointsToWorld I am wondering how to create the cameraParameters object; I have all the necessary values.

Answers (1)

Florian Morsch
Florian Morsch on 23 Jul 2018
Edited: Florian Morsch on 23 Jul 2018
You already linked the answer to your question:
If you get the camera parameters with the Camera Calibrator App from MATLAB you can save the parameters as object directly to workspace and from there to a .m-file.
If you have the parameters yourself, just build the camera parameter object with the syntax in the link:
cameraParams = cameraParameters(Name,Value)
where Name is is your properties and Value the value of the properties. For example:
cameraParams = cameraParameters('ImageSize',YourImageSize, 'RadialDistortion', YourRadialDistortion, 'TangentialDistortion', YourTangentialDistortion,...and so on).
There is already a example at the end of the link.

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