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define parameters in binary format

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to transmit data using ZigBee with QPSK modulation.
However I don't understand how in matlab I can define particular parameters in a binary format.
so the question is:
If I have 4 parameters ("soc", "user_status","required energy", "user ID")
How can I transform them in Binary format:
for example
soc=0000 user_status=0100 required energy=0010 user ID=0001

Accepted Answer

Florian Floh
Florian Floh on 13 Jul 2018
If your parameters ("soc", "user_status","required energy", "user ID") are given as a decimal number, you should try the following function:
- dec2bin(decimal) % Convert decimal number to character vector representing binary number
If your parameters are given as a string, you can convert them to a number, by using the following command: - str2num('YourCharacter') % Convert character array to numeric array
I hope this answers your question, if not, please let me know :)
Kind regards

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