Plot trajectory colorized according to the standard deviation

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a set of data (Latitude(x), Longitude(y)) and their standard deviation. I want to plot the X-Y trajectory but I need it to be colorized (like temperature distribution) according to the standard deviation of each point. This is the trajectory:
So I want the trajecory somehow colored according to the standard deviation like the following figure, this help me see the relation between the trajectory and the corresponding std at each point, I have tried with the errorbar function but that is not helping.

Answers (2)

KSSV on 15 Jun 2018
n = 100;
x = linspace(-10,10,n); y = x.^2;
z = zeros(size(x));
col = x; % This is the color, vary with x in this case.

Kaushik Lakshminarasimhan
Kaushik Lakshminarasimhan on 15 Jun 2018
Edited: Kaushik Lakshminarasimhan on 15 Jun 2018
Plot your data as a surface with zero height.
x = vector_of_latitudes;
y = vector_of_longitudes;
z = zeros(size(x)); % surface has zero height
clr = vector_of_standard_deviations; % vector of colors
surface([x;x],[y;y],[z;z],[clr ;clr],'edgecol','interp');

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