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how to calculate total transmission energy of a sensor node within a certain range?(details is as follows)

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AreaR=50;%%%Area % TOtal number of Mobile Nodes NodeNums=10; % Total Number of Task TaskNums=10; % WIfi Range WIfi_Range=20;%(Max Wifi range 32m or 105 ft) % Coordinates of nodes Node.x=AreaR*rand(1,NodeNums); % the position of node Node.y=AreaR*rand(1,NodeNums); % Initial Energy of nodes En=40000;%(in Joules) Node.E=linspace(En,En,NodeNums); %ENergy consumption for single packet in Wifi Enrgy_Single_Packt=0.04;%(in Joules) Energy_per_bit=0.000001;%(in Joules) Energy_LTE=12;

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