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Clear Filters

How do I suggest to matlab that I prefer to edit files in the current directory?

2 views (last 30 days)
When I try to edit a file in the editor from the command window, the preference order is suboptimal.
edit myfilename
provides a bunch of suggestions in the spirit of tab-completion but the order with which they are presented is a little confusing. The suggested files to open in the editor are in alphabetical order rather than preferentially by files in the current directory. I really only want to look at matlab built-in functions on special occasions, and pretty much always want to edit files in my current directory, so is there a way to improve the suggestion order?
Rik on 27 May 2018
I seriously doubt that would be possible, but there might be something burried deep in the settings.
But if you want to edit files in your current dir, why not just double-click? I personally have never used the edit function other than during the course I took where I learned Matlab, or cases where I want to see if I can look at internal functions.
rgs1203 on 28 May 2018
Thanks for the suggestion, I guess I'm partial to my keyboard (don't tell my mouse).

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