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cost function in classification learner app

1 view (last 30 days)
How is it possible to use a costfunction/ penalty function for a Support Vector Machine in the classification Learner App?
If it is not possible, is there a way to train a SVM manually for more than 2 classes?

Accepted Answer

Stephan on 8 May 2018
a cost function is not available as far as i know. For more than two classes you could use the function
see documentation here:
Best regards
Artem Bykanov
Artem Bykanov on 9 May 2018
Thanks for your answer!
Now I have another problem: In the classificationLearner App I can export a trained Model. (It is a 1x1 struct)
How can generate the same trained model? Because if I try to classify with fitcecoc and validate with crossval I dont get this 1x1 struct.
Best regards
Stephan on 9 May 2018
Edited: Stephan on 9 May 2018
when you choose the option "generate code" from the button export model in the classification learner app you get a good commented script with matlab-code doing exactly what you choosed in classification learner app. Then you can modify for your purposes as you want. If you do SVM model with more than 2 classes, i guess the function classification learner will use
See here for further information:
Best regards

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