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How to perform the Matlab for pattern recognition

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vokoyo on 28 Apr 2018
Edited: vokoyo on 28 Apr 2018
Let the bias be the probability of turning up a head and denoted by the parameter Q.
If we use a coin with the bias specified by Q to conduct a coin flipping process d times, the outcome will be a sequence of heads and tails.
where nH is the number of heads turned up during d trials.
Now using such a simulated coin with Q = ½ to conduct your experiments based on a sequence of outcomes generated by the random generator from computer.
For example, if the number generated by the random generator is less than 1/2, it assigned to be 0;
otherwise, it will be assigned 1.
In order to run the computer project, run the following
(1) d = 100 and n =100 using a simulated coin with Q = ¼ and ½
(2) d = 10 and n =1000 using a simulated coin with Q = ¼ and ½
(3) d = 100 and n = 1000 using a simulated coin with Q = ¼ and ½
(The result of the execution from program will be drawn into histogram on the PowerPoint)

Answers (1)

vokoyo on 28 Apr 2018
Edited: vokoyo on 28 Apr 2018
I try to perform the Matlab programming with certain formula equations for the Pattern Recognition as below (herewith please refer to the PDF file)
However I am not sure my answers are correct or not
Kindly please provide your opinion and suggestion thus I will be able to improve my computing skills
Matlab Programming Method
x = randn (100,1);
d = 100;
n = 100;
toss = 0; %Head
toss = 1; %Tail
y = randn (100,1);
y(x<0.25) = 1;
x = randn (100,1);
d = 100;
n = 100;
toss = 0; %Head
toss = 1; %Tail
y = randn (100,1);
y(x<0.5) = 1;


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