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how to generate a pseudo random binary sequence and convert to DNA sequence

2 views (last 30 days)
I have binary sequence (100101110010010100100010101011010010) and sequence is divided into 3-bit binary sequences
100 101 110 010 010 100 100 010 101 011 010 010
each 3-bit sequence is converted to corresponding DNA codes using the DNA coding rule, as follows 000 ( 00-A,01-C 10-G,11-T) 001(00-A,01-G,10-C,11-T) 010(00-C,01-A,10-T,11-G) 011( 00-C ,01-T,10-A,11-G) 100( 00-G, 01-A,10-T,11-C) 101(00-G,01-T,10-A, 11-C) 110(00-T,01-C,10-G,11-A) 111( 00-T,01-G,10-C,11-A) . please help me how write code in matlab
lakshmi boddu
lakshmi boddu on 11 Apr 2018
Actually i have no idea of this concept. It is given like a standard table to convert 3-bit sequences into dna codes.

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