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Need help resolving error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions"

1 view (last 30 days)
I keep getting this error when trying to run my code, but I'm not sure how to resolve it. Here is the error I'm getting:
"Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in code>@(x)([exp(im*k(j,1)*x(j,1)),0;0,exp(-im*k(j,1)*x(j,1))])
Error in code (line 57)
C = C(x);
Thanks in advance!
clear all;
format long;
im = sqrt(-1);
CellLength = 1;
ibeta = 1;
%Define materal properties
CellLength = 1;
layers = 2;
d = [0.4;0.6];
dTotal = d(1,1)+d(2,1);
xc = [0;0.4];
Ef = 12;
pf = 3;
cf = sqrt(Ef/pf);
Em = 1;
pm = 1;
cm = sqrt(Em/pm);
w = 5;
T1 = [cos(.2*w) (1/(6*w))*sin(.2*w); -6*w*sin(.2*w) cos(.2*w)];
T2 = [cos(.6*w) (1/w)*sin(.6*w); -w*sin(.6*w) cos(.6*w)];
T = T2*T1;
Z1 = 6*w;
Z2 = w;
Z = [Z1;Z2];
%Solve eigenvalue problem for k
[V,D] = eig(T); %D = eigenvalues, %V = eigenvectors
k1 = log(D(1,1))/(im*dTotal);
k2 = log(D(2,2))/(im*dTotal);
k = [k1;k2];
for j = 1:layers
B = @(j)([1 1; im*Z(j,1) -im*Z(j,1)]);
B = B(j);
C_a = @(j)([exp(im*k(j,1)*xc(j,1)) 0; 0 exp(-im*k(j,1)*xc(j,1))]);
C_a = C_a(j);
if j == 1
a = (inv(B)*V(:,1));
alpha = a;
beta = B;
a = inv(C_a)*inv(B)*T*beta*alpha;
for x = 0:0.1:5
C = @(x)([exp(im*k(j,1)*x(j,1)) 0; 0 exp(-im*k(j,1)*x(j,1))]);
C = C(x);
y = @(x)(B*C*a);
y = y(x);

Answers (1)

Andrew Davies
Andrew Davies on 6 Apr 2018
Your problem is that the loop starts with x=0. You then try to access C(x). Arrays start indexing at 1 in MATLAB, so you can't have the zeroth element. Hence the error.

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