how can I turn my .m file into C?

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I have an involved script file which runs. I have tried to turn it into C with the Matlab coder App. It is asking for a function, and hence and when I load this file it does not except it saying it is a script. but it wants a function. Could somebody give me some pointers?
Hans Scharler
Hans Scharler on 27 Mar 2018
What are you building?
Kay Wonderley
Kay Wonderley on 28 Mar 2018
Edited: Walter Roberson on 28 Mar 2018
Hi Hans,
I am building a filtered-X-least mean square filter for active noise cancellation of power transformer.
so there is are several functions in the code that I have been given.
my problem is:
being new to program and trying to work out the inputs and outputs of this code:
here is part of it. it is a filtered X-LMS for active noise cancellation.
Fs = 2000; % Sampling frequency
T = 1/Fs; % Sampling period
L = 4000; % Length of signal
t = (0:L-1)*T; %time
A=[16 18 28 33 38 41 59 43 40 58]; %input Amplitudes of the frequencies 10 10 of them
forigin=[25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200]; % input frequencies in Hz of the matrix
S=zeros(1,length(t)); % row matrix initially populated with zeros 1 x 4000 secondary path
V=zeros(1,L); % row matrix of zeros from 1 to 4000primary path from 1 to 4000
for k=1:length(A) %
S = S+10^(A(k)/20)*sin(2*pi*forigin(k)*t); % secondary path calculated via for loop output sine wave?
V=V+sqrt(10^(A(k)/20))*sin(2*pi*forigin(k)*t);% primary path calculated via for loop output sine wave
I think the input is (a)
an the output is S and V

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Accepted Answer

Anish Navalgund
Anish Navalgund on 27 Mar 2018
Hi! Matlab coder only converts function files to .c I suggest you to remove all your input functions like scanf() and build your code to act as a function where you have your input and output arguments.

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