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Count occurrences of an event by date

8 views (last 30 days)
I am facing an issue with counting number of occurrences by date, suppose I have an excel file where the data are as follows
1/1/2001 23
1/1/2001 29
1/1/2001 24
3/1/2001 22
3/1/2001 23
My preferred output should be
1/1/2001 3
2/1/2001 0
3/1/2001 2
Though 2/1/2001 doesnot appear in the input, I want that included in the output with 0 counts. Thank You!

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 25 Feb 2018
Edited: Star Strider on 25 Feb 2018
Try this:
A = {'1/1/2001' 23
'1/1/2001' 29
'1/1/2001' 24
'3/1/2001' 22
'3/1/2001' 23};
Adt = datetime(A(:,1), 'Format','MM/dd/yyyy');
[H,E] = discretize(Adt, 'month');
Tally = accumarray(H, 1);
Result = table(E(1:numel(Tally))', Tally) % Note Transpose Operator (') To Force ‘E’ To Be A Column Vector
Result =
3×2 table
Var1 Tally
__________ _____
01/01/2001 3
02/01/2001 0
03/01/2001 2
This works with the data you posted.
Experiment with it with your complete data array to get the result you want.
EDIT Corrected typographical error in the comment.

More Answers (2)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 26 Feb 2018
If you have R2016b or later, this is one line, using a timetable. Given this timetable ...
>> d = datetime({'1/1/2001';'1/1/2001';'1/1/2001';'3/1/2001';'3/1/2001'});
>> tt = timetable([23;29;24;22;23],'RowTimes',d)
tt =
5×1 timetable
Time Var1
___________ ____
01-Jan-2001 23
01-Jan-2001 29
01-Jan-2001 24
01-Mar-2001 22
01-Mar-2001 23
... just call retime:
>> ttCounts = retime(tt,'monthly','count')
ttCounts =
3×1 timetable
Time Var1
___________ ____
01-Jan-2001 3
01-Feb-2001 0
01-Mar-2001 2

KSSV on 25 Feb 2018
You can make your own dates in serial order.
T = T1:T2;
Then use ismember to get the common dates. Read about ismembet.
  1 Comment
Sourangsu Chowdhury
Sourangsu Chowdhury on 25 Feb 2018
Edited: Sourangsu Chowdhury on 25 Feb 2018
[Value, Time] = xlsread('F:\1km\fire\2001-02\2001_02.xlsx','Sheet1','A2:D159','',@convertSpreadsheetExcelDates);
data=[tm val];
% a=(datestr(tm));
T = T1:T2;
[l idx] = ismember(tm_all,data(:,1));
out = data(idx,:);
This does not seem to work, the size of data is 158x2 and length of tm_all is 274

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