Is findpeaks same as local maxima?

4 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I applied findpeaks to my signal and found out the local maximas. I read that it takes the local maxima by checking if the point is greater than the neighbours. But there is one more condition right? That the derivative must be a zero at that point? Is this also satisfied?

Accepted Answer

Birdman on 6 Feb 2018
Let's have a look at the simple example from documentation of findpeaks:
data=[25 8 15 5 6 10 10 3 1 20 7];
When you see the marked points on the plot, none of them are differentiable since there are more than one tangent line that can be drawn at those points. Therefore:
That the derivative must be a zero at that point? Is this also satisfied?
No, it is not, as you can see.

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