Can Matlab compiler pass the summary of functions?
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Yoshihiro Yamada
on 23 Jan 2018
Commented: Yoshihiro Yamada
on 26 Jan 2018
When I build .Net assemly from C# source codes, the summary of functions, which is represented by xml comments, can be seen via "Objet Browser" in Visual Studio.
Is it possible to see the summary of Matlab functions, which is compiled by mcc command, in "Objet Browser", like C#?
If possible, please let me know how to realize.
Accepted Answer
Kojiro Saito
on 25 Jan 2018
This way is not documented, but there's a way to create function summaries to your dll.
Go to Apps -> Library Compiler and select .NET assembly and package functions, MATLAB Compiler SDK will create document XML files in for_testing folder. In this example, MagicSquareComp.xml will be created in for_testing folder. This XML file contains summary tags. Copy this XML file to your dll (For example, MagicSquareComp.dll) which was added to reference in your Visual Studio solution file. After that, you will find summary information is added in Object Browser.

You can edit the XML file so as to change the descriptions. You might need to restart Visual Studio to refresh the display of Object Browser.
Hope this help.
Kojiro Saito
on 26 Jan 2018
I think comments in the original MATLAB function will be converted to <remarks> tag in XML. But <param> and <returns> tags will be created if the MATLAB function has input arguments and output. So, you can edit the XML file manually.
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