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Special plot3 command in Matlab

1 view (last 30 days)
mr mo
mr mo on 2 Dec 2017
Commented: mr mo on 10 Dec 2017
Hi. I have a matrix named S, e.g.
S =
[25 4 14
26 4 14
27 4 14
28 4 14
29 4 14
30 4 14
31 4 14
32 4 14
33 4 14];
Every row in matrix S indicates a point in 3D space. I want to use plot3 command to plot these points.
This code plots these points with squares, but I want to have cubes instead of squares. How can I do that?

Accepted Answer

Jan on 2 Dec 2017
As you can find the in the documentation of plot3, or to be exact at the link to "line properties", cubes are not a recognized marker type. Then you have to draw them by your own.
It matters if you want the wireframe of the cube or filled patches.
See e.g. or (I magically found these links by asking an internet search engine for the terms "Matlab draw cube" - you can do this by your own also.)
Jan on 10 Dec 2017
@mr mo: The link in your former comment is dead now. For which function are you searching a legend? Did you try to provide one handle per legend entry? The plotcube command would need to add an output of the handles. But I would take this code as example only, how to call patch. E.g.:
side = 5;
verts = ([0 0 0;0 1 0;1 1 0;1 0 0;0 0 1;0 1 1;1 1 1;1 0 1] - 0.5) .* side;
face = [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;3 4 8 7;1 2 6 5;2 3 7 6;1 4 8 5];
h1 = patch('Faces',face,'Vertices',verts,'FaceColor','b', ...
h2 = patch('Faces',face,'Vertices',verts + 8,'FaceColor','g', ...
legend([h1, h2], {'1', '2'})
view(45, 30)
grid on
mr mo
mr mo on 10 Dec 2017
Thanks a lot. I want to add legend to plotcube function.

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