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Convert matrix number into png image

10 views (last 30 days)
Hello i'm new on package "Image Processing Toolbox". I have a matrix of number ( obtained by this script ( I would be able to convert an image to grayscale or black and white. Possibly in png format.
How can I do ?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Apr 2012
I looked at your m-file. You get your data like this:
A = fread(fid,size,'*uint16');
img = reshape(A,width,height); %ok-->poi trasponi
Did you know you can get the 2D matrix directly like this:
img = fread(fid, [width, height], '*uint16');
% It will be a 2D array after this.
No reshaping will be necessary. Anyway, to get it into PNG format you have to save it out to disk as a PNG format image file because when it's in MATLAB it's simply an array of numbers and format doesn't really apply.
baseFileName = 'My matrix.png';
fullFileName = fullfile(folderName, baseFileName);
imwrite(img, fullFileName);

More Answers (1)

Geppo Batt
Geppo Batt on 15 Apr 2012
but the png file is completely black, while if use figure,image(img);colormap(gray); title(filename); obtained this image :
Geppo Batt
Geppo Batt on 17 Apr 2012
ok perfect, thank you very much. you saved me. the last question minvalue and maxvalue what does they for ?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Apr 2012
I just called them to see if you had integer or floating point values and if they were in the range 0-255, 0-1, or something else. which might cause me to call mat2gray() or uint8().

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