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Using linspace for dividing thicknesses and then adding them up

2 views (last 30 days)
I am using linspace to break up a given thickness into different points. For example if thickness is 200 mm then linspace(0,200,500). So I ahve two materials of thickness 200 and 300 mm place on top of one another. I divide the first thickness into linspace (0,200,500) and the other thickness (0,300,500). But while plotting the results i need the array of distance to be linear eg from 0 to 500 mm and the calculations at each point. How do I get this?
Adam on 13 Jun 2017
You should just be able to concatenate your thickness arrays then e..g
thickness200 = linspace(0,200,500);
thickness300 = linspace(0,300,500);
totalThickness = [thickness200, thickness300];
Chirag Anand
Chirag Anand on 13 Jun 2017
Thanks but then the concatenated matrix would be {0....200 and then 0... 300]. I want it to be [0....200 and then 200.something....500]

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Answers (1)

KSSV on 13 Jun 2017
Edited: KSSV on 13 Jun 2017
t12=[t1 t2];


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