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GigE camera Mako: recognized via gigecam or videoinput, but (gige) preview times out, snapshot (or getsnapshot [if videobject] returns empty image

8 views (last 30 days)
I have a Mako G-234B GigE camera, connected to a win10 laptop.
The camera is seen without problem if using the standalone "Vimba" application that came with the camera, and can see the live camera images on my PC screen.
Under MatLab, I am presently unable to get any images from this camera.
I have tested two routes (either gigecam, or by videoObject that both failed). here are the code I typed on the console, and the corresponding messages:
(A) Test via VideoInput:
hwInfo = imaqhwinfo('gige')
hwInfo = AdaptorDllName: 'C:\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2016a\toolbox\imaq\supportpackages\gige\adaptor\win64\mwgigeimaq.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: '5.0 (R2016a)'
AdaptorName: 'gige'
DeviceIDs: {[1]}
DeviceInfo: [1x1 struct]
>>videobject = videoinput('gige', 1, 'Mono12')
>> triggerinfo(videobject)
Valid Trigger Configurations:
TriggerType: TriggerCondition: TriggerSource:
'immediate' 'none' 'none'
'manual' 'none' 'none'
'hardware' 'DeviceSpecific' 'DeviceSpecific'
  • >> triggerconfig(videobject, 'manual')
  • >> start(videobject)
  • >> videobject
Summary of Video Input Object Using 'Mako G-234B (6408)'.
Acquisition Source(s): input1 is available.
Acquisition Parameters: 'input1' is the current selected source.
10 frames per trigger using the selected source.
'Mono8' video data to be logged upon START.
Grabbing first of every 1 frame(s).
Log data to 'memory' on trigger.
Trigger Parameters: 1 'manual' trigger(s) upon TRIGGER.
Status: Waiting for TRIGGER 1 of 1.
0 frames acquired since starting.
0 frames available for GETDATA.
* >> trigger(videobject) *
* >> videobject *
Summary of Video Input Object Using 'Mako G-234B (6408)'.
Acquisition Source(s): input1 is available.
Acquisition Parameters: 'input1' is the current selected source.
10 frames per trigger using the selected source.
'Mono8' video data to be logged upon START.
Grabbing first of every 1 frame(s).
Log data to 'memory' on trigger.
Trigger Parameters: 1 'manual' trigger(s) upon TRIGGER. <<< still waiting !! (??)
Status: Logging data.
0 frames acquired since starting.
0 frames available for GETDATA.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *(B) Tried an alternate method via gigecam: *
  • >> g = gigecam('50-0536881321') // serial number
>> g.PixelFormat = 'Mono12'
g = Display Summary for gigecam:
DeviceModelName: 'Mako G-234B'
SerialNumber: '50-0536881321'
IPAddress: ''
PixelFormat: 'Mono12'
AvailablePixelFormats: {'Mono8' 'Mono12Packed' 'Mono12'}
Height: 1216
Width: 1936
Timeout: 10
*Beginner properties gives: g = Display Summary for gigecam: DeviceModelName: 'Mako G-234B' SerialNumber: '50-0536881321' IPAddress: '' PixelFormat: 'Mono12' AvailablePixelFormats: {'Mono8' 'Mono12Packed' 'Mono12'} Height: 1216 Width: 1936 Timeout: 10
Show Beginner, Expert, Guru properties.
AcquisitionFrameCount = 1
AcquisitionFrameRateAbs = 23.6457
AcquisitionFrameRateLimit = 40.1155
TriggerSelector = FrameStart
TriggerActivation = RisingEdge
TriggerDelayAbs = 0
*TriggerMode = On*
TriggerOverlap = Off
TriggerSource = Freerun
DefectMaskEnable = (Currently not accessible)
Gamma = 1
Hue = (Currently not accessible)
Saturation = (Currently not accessible)
BalanceWhiteAuto = (Currently not accessible)
BalanceRatioSelector = (Currently not accessible)
BalanceRatioAbs = (Currently not accessible)
BalanceWhiteAutoAdjustTol = (Currently not accessible)
BalanceWhiteAutoRate = (Currently not accessible)
BlackLevel = 4
BlackLevelSelector = All
ColorTransformationMode = (Currently not accessible)
ColorTransformationSelector = (Currently not accessible)
ColorTransformationValue = (Currently not accessible)
ColorTransformationValueSelector = (Currently not accessible)
DSPSubregionBottom = 1216
DSPSubregionLeft = 0
DSPSubregionRight = 1936
DSPSubregionTop = 0
DefectMaskColumnEnable = (Currently not accessible)
ExposureAuto = Off
ExposureMode = Timed
ExposureTimeAbs = 15009
ExposureTimeIncrement = 19.863
ExposureAutoAdjustTol = 5
ExposureAutoAlg = Mean
ExposureAutoMax = 500000
ExposureAutoMin = 65
ExposureAutoOutliers = 0
ExposureAutoRate = 100
ExposureAutoTarget = 50
GainSelector = All
Gain = 0
GainAuto = Off
GainAutoAdjustTol = 5
GainAutoMax = 40
GainAutoMin = 0
GainAutoOutliers = 0
GainAutoRate = 100
GainAutoTarget = 50
IrisAutoTarget = (Currently not accessible)
IrisMode = (Currently not accessible)
IrisVideoLevel = (Currently not accessible)
IrisVideoLevelMax = (Currently not accessible)
IrisVideoLevelMin = (Currently not accessible)
LensDCDriveStrength = (Currently not accessible)
LensPIrisFrequency = (Currently not accessible)
LensPIrisNumSteps = (Currently not accessible)
LensPIrisPosition = (Currently not accessible)
VsubValue = (Currently not accessible)
BandwidthControlMode = StreamBytesPerSecond
GevSCPSPacketSize = 1500
NonImagePayloadSize = 0
PayloadSize = 2354176
StreamBytesPerSecond = 115000000
StreamFrameRateConstrain = True
GevTimestampTickFrequency = 1000000000
PtpAcquisitionGateTime = (Currently not accessible)
PtpMode = (Currently not accessible)
PtpStatus = (Currently not accessible)
StreamHoldCapacity = 26
StreamHoldEnable = Off
BinningHorizontal = 1
BinningVertical = 1
DecimationHorizontal = 1
DecimationVertical = 1
ReverseX = False
ReverseY = False
SensorHeight = 1216
SensorWidth = 1936
DeviceFirmwareVersion =
DeviceID = 50-0536881321
DeviceModelName = Mako G-234B
DevicePartNumber = 6408
DeviceScanType = Areascan
DeviceVendorName = Allied Vision Technologies
FirmwareVerBuild = 15954
FirmwareVerMajor = 1
FirmwareVerMinor = 54
SensorBits = 12
SensorType = Mono
DeviceTemperature = 44.187
DeviceTemperatureSelector = Main
Height = 1216
HeightMax = 1216
ImageSize = 2354176
OffsetX = 0
OffsetY = 0
PixelFormat = Mono12
Width = 1936
WidthMax = 1936
StrobeDelay = 0
StrobeDuration = 0
StrobeDurationMode = Source
StrobeSource = FrameTrigger
SyncInLevels = 0
SyncInSelector = SyncIn1
SyncInGlitchFilter = 0
SyncOutLevels = 0
SyncOutSelector = SyncOut1
SyncOutPolarity = Normal
SyncOutSource = Exposing
No commands are available for this camera.
  • >> preview(g) >>>>>>>> Gives a panel with a white background an a red crossing; no content)
  • >> snapshot(g) >>>>>>>>>> gives a time-out
_ _ _ _ _
What is your advice ?

Answers (1)

Thomas Arnold
Thomas Arnold on 14 Feb 2018
Maybe your windows firewall is blocking Matlab. Go to your windows firewall settings. On the list of settings to the left, click “Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall”. Look for a Matlab entry and allow it. Try the camera preview again.
  1 Comment
Deryn LeDuke
Deryn LeDuke on 29 Aug 2024
This worked for me! (I was using a Mako G-319B gigE camera). Struggled through a ton of settings changes and googling before I found this wildly simple fix.
Thank you for your help!

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