load multiple .mat file and do same calculation on each file

2 views (last 30 days)
i have 100 .mat file name "A00001-A00100". i want to create loop that do calculation (written in code) one by one on each file but my code just do calculation on first file (A00001.mat) only. please help!,
% loop to do same calculation on each file,
for i=1:100
load(['A000' num2str(i,'%02d') '.mat' ]);

Accepted Answer

mizuki on 6 May 2017
Your code works only for A00001 because you set 'A00001' as input arguments for GQRS, RDANN, RDSAMP. Change the numbers with index i.
for i=1:5
str = 'A000' num2str(i,'%02d');
filename = [str, '.mat']
% calculations
N = 9000;
gqrs(str, N);
ann = rdann(str, 'qrs', [], N);
[tm,sig] = rdsamp(str, [], N);
Also, if you breakdown the problem, you can easily find which part you need to change.
  1. Made the maximum loop index smaller from 100 to 5.
  2. To check the mat-file was loaded correctly, created the variable, filename.
  3. Since the first loading part worked correctly, checked the second part.
  1 Comment
MM Asim
MM Asim on 8 May 2017
Yes it work, code that you have provide work absolutely great after little modification in second line and also your recommendations to solve the problem are helpful for me.
str = ['A000' num2str(i,'%02d')]; % 2rd line with some change.
thanks a lot Mr. Mizuki

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More Answers (1)

Navdeep Goel
Navdeep Goel on 29 Sep 2019
for i=1:5
str = 'A000' num2str(i,'%02d');
filename = [str, '.mat']
% calculations
N = 9000;
gqrs(str, N);
ann = rdann(str, 'qrs', [], N);
[tm,sig] = rdsamp(str, [], N);
In the above code, load(str) should be load(filename)


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