reading excel and doing computation on the same excel with .exe created for the .m file

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Hello, Please suggest thoughts on below:- I am looking for an executable file from the .m file which can allow me to take excel file as input from the user. In the same .m file I am doing some computation and displaying results. Currently I can take the excel file through the .exe using below command:-
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.xlsx'},'File selector');
After this I am adding both pathname and filename and using as address for the xlsread command like below- a = strcat(pathname, filename) data = xlsread('a','A3:A121')
but I failed to read the excel. Please let me know anything I am missing/doing wrong.
Thank you, Akshay

Accepted Answer

ES on 5 Apr 2017
data = xlsread('a','A3:A121') Why is a in quotes here??? It should be like below.
data = xlsread(a,'A3:A121')

More Answers (1)

Akshay Ratnaparkhe
Akshay Ratnaparkhe on 10 Apr 2017
Thank you Smith.. Its working now. Thanks again


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