Clear Filters
Clear Filters

i have an image where i found out green and i need a code to covert the rest into white

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clc clear all close all p=0; %Tree Crown Detection and Delineation in High Resolution RS Image F=imread('E:\projectimages\imgs\gre
.jpg'); imshow(F); title('Input image'); F=im2double(F); r=F(:,:,1); g=F(:,:,2); b=F(:,:,3); th=acos((0.5*((r-g)+(r-b)))./((sqrt((r-g).^2+(r-b).*(g-b)))+eps)); H=th; H(b>g)=2*pi-H(b>g); H=H/(2*pi); figure,imshow(H); title HUE S=1-3.*(min(min(r,g),b))./(r+g+b+eps); % read an image %Im = imread('E:\projectimages\imgs\gmap1.jpg'); % get the size %[h, w, ~] = size(Im); %figure, imshow(Im) %f = imfreehand; % Then draw the region using imfreehand tool %bw = createMask(f); %outI = bw*I; %numPixelsInsideRegion = sum(outI(:)) figure,imshow(S);
title SATURATION I=(r+g+b)/3; figure,imshow(I);
title INTENSITY hsi=cat(3,H,S,I); figure,imshow(hsi); title HSI
%GAUSSIAN FILTERING h = fspecial('gaussian', [11,11], 2); I1 = imfilter(hsi,h); figure,imshow(I1); title('STAGE-A Filtered image');
%STAGE - C HE=H*2*pi; HE=histeq(HE); figure,imshow(HE); title HISTOGRAMEQUALIZATION; HE=HE/(2*pi); SE=histeq(S); figure,imshow(SE); title HISTOGRAMEQUALIZATION; IE=histeq(I); figure,imshow(IE); title HISTOGRAMEQUALIZATION; D = (SE-IE); figure,imshow(D); title('STAGE-D Normalized difference image'); [m,n] = size(SE); E = zeros(m,n); for i = 1:m for j = 1:n if D(i,j) > 0 E(i,j) = 1;
E(i,j) = 0;
% cc1 = bwconncomp(E); cc1.NumObjects % remove all object containing fewer than 30 pixels %BW4 = bwareaopen(BW4,30); % fill a gap in the pen's cap %se = strel('disk',2); %BW4 = imclose(BW4,se); % fill any holes, so that regionprops can be used to estimate % the area enclosed by each of the boundaries
stats = regionprops(cc1, 'Area'); idx1 = find([stats.Area] > 1000); BW4 = ismember(labelmatrix(cc1), idx1);
%remove all object containing fewer than 30 pixels %BW4 = bwareaopen(BW4,30); % fill a gap in the pen's cap %se = strel('disk',2); %BW4 = imclose(BW4,se); % fill any holes, so that regionprops can be used to estimate % the area enclosed by each of the boundaries BW4 = imfill(BW4,'holes'); imshow(BW4); B = bwboundaries(BW4); imshow(BW4) se = strel('disk',2); closeBW = imclose(BW4,se); figure, imshow(closeBW) figure,imshow(BW4); [rows columns numberOfColorBands] = size(BW4); numberOfBlackPixels = sum(sum(BW4 == 0)); numberOfWhitePixels = sum(sum(BW4)); totalNumberOfPixels = rows * columns; percentBlackPixels = 100.0 * numberOfBlackPixels totalNumberOfPixels; percentWhitePixels = 100.0 * numberOfWhitePixels totalNumberOfPixels; p= numberOfWhitePixels / (numberOfBlackPixels+numberOfWhitePixels) ;
message = sprintf('Done!\nTotal number of pixels = %d\nBlack pixels = %d = %.1f%%\nWhite pixels = %d = %.1f%%', ...
totalNumberOfPixels, numberOfBlackPixels, percentBlackPixels, ...
numberOfWhitePixels, percentWhitePixels,'p= %d');
G = edge(BW4,'sobel'); figure,imshow(G); title('CROWNS'); [a,b1] = find(G==1); figure,imshow(F);hold on; for i =1:length(a) plot(b1(i),a(i), 'r-');hold on; end title('Delineation result');

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