Combining multiple functions within one script

278 views (last 30 days)
I have three functions I would like to put into one script. What would be the correct steps to do so. here are the following functions I have written.
function [] = gravitationalForce(m1,m2,d)
%{m1 = mass 1, m2 = mass 2, d = distance%}
G = 6.672 * 10^11;
syms F
F = (G*m1*m2/(d^2));
function [] = velocityCalc(u,a,s)
%{u = velocity,a = acceleration,s = distance traveled%}
disp('V^2 =')
v = (u^2 + (2*a*s));
function [] = distanceTraveled(u,a,t)
%{u = velocity,a = acceleration,t = time%}
syms s
s = (u*t)+1/2*a*t^2;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Feb 2022
How are you invoking the function, and what is the complete error message?
Kazi Newaz
Kazi Newaz on 3 Feb 2022
extremely sorry to have bothered you, it was an issue with me not having the path set up right, now it is working, thank you so much for the solution

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Answers (4)

Mohammad Askari
Mohammad Askari on 30 Jun 2018
Edited: Mohammad Askari on 18 Nov 2019
Another approach is to create a class with static methods with all your sub-functions. Save the following code as ALLFUNCS.m
classdef ALLFUNCS
function result = SumElements(a,b,c)
result = a + b + c;
function [prod,div] = MultiplyDivide(v1,v2,v3)
prod = v1 * v2 * v3;
div = v1 / v2 / v3;
Then you can simply call the sub-functions like this:
s = ALLFUNCS.SumElements(3,4,5);
[p,d] = ALLFUNCS.MultiplyDivide(8,3,5);
leanne dong
leanne dong on 2 Apr 2020
this method does not seem to work for case where a function depends on the previous one.
Any suggestions?
Mohammad Askari
Mohammad Askari on 3 Apr 2020
Edited: Mohammad Askari on 31 Oct 2021
@leanne dong, it actually does. In the example below, the first function calls the other one. Is this what you are looking for?
classdef ALLFUNCS
function result = SumElements(a,b,c)
result = a + b + c;
string = ALLFUNCS.IsGreaterThanZero(result);
disp(['the answer is greater than zero: ',string]);
function str = IsGreaterThanZero(value)
if value > 0
str = 'true';
str = 'false';

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Anders Bergåker
Anders Bergåker on 26 Oct 2017
Well, I find this limitation incredibly annoying so I use a workaround with the sfunc command. The first function takes the function you actually want to call as an argument. I've found this workaround ages ago, it might have some drawbacks I'm unaware of since I'm not an Matlab expert.
Put all this code in an .m file, eg. myLib.m which then will act as a function library. The call to use a specific function would then be:
myLib('distanceTraveled', u, a, t)
It work fine with returnvalues as well. Examaple of myLib.m:
function varargout = sfunc(varargin)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(varargin{:});
function [] = gravitationalForce(m1,m2,d)
function [] = velocityCalc(u,a,s)
function [] = distanceTraveled(u,a,t)
Marcel on 15 May 2024
Works fantastic and is elegant. Thanks!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 16 May 2024
You could also comment out the function(s) with %{ and %}.
For example:
function out = MyFunction(in)
out = 2 * in;

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Feb 2017
You can do that but velocityCalc() and distanceTraveled() would only be available/seen to functions within the same file. If they need to be used by other m-files, you'd have to have them in separate files, unless they were a class. I've done this so I know it works. If you had a class with those functions in it, then any file could call any of those functions as a static method of the class.

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 19 Feb 2017
Edited: John D'Errico on 19 Feb 2017
If your goal is to use those function independently, then they need to be saved as separate m-files, NOT in one large file. While it would indeed be possible to do that in theory, you would need to learn a fair amount about function handles to do so. As well, you would need to call a main function, then having it return function handles for each sub-function that you might call in the future.
If you are somehow thinking of having an actual script that also has a mainline, but with functions defined within, that is not possible. Scripts cannot also contain function definitions, except for the case of function handles created in one line.
Simple save each function as an independent m-file.
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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Feb 2017
Starting with R2016b, you can have function(s) below a script all within the same m-file.

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