How to copy and rename files in a different folder
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Hi all,
Let's say I have 3 text files (001X, 002Y and 003Z) in the folder A. Now, I want to first move these files to a created folder B and then rename them like so: 001_T, 002_T and 003_T) so I now have the old files in folder A and the new renamed ones in folder B. I'm almost done but my code (below) doesn't quite work. Any ideas? Thank you.
%First create the folder B
if exist([pwd '\B'])~=7
mkdir B
%Move the files with copyfiles ?
%Then rename the files
A =dir( fullfile('*.txt') );
fileNames = { };
for iFile = 1 : numel( A )
movefile(A(iFile).name,[A(iFile).name(1:3) '_T.txt']);
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 29 Jan 2017
Try this:
% First create the folder B, if necessary.
outputFolder = fullfile(pwd, 'B')
if ~exist(outputFolder, 'dir')
% Copy the files over with a new name.
inputFiles = dir( fullfile('*.txt') );
fileNames = { };
for k = 1 : length(inputFiles )
thisFileName = fileNames{k};
% Prepare the input filename.
inputFullFileName = fullfile(pwd, thisFileName)
% Prepare the output filename.
outputBaseFileName = sprintf('%s_T.txt', thisFileName(1:end-4));
outputFullFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, outputBaseFileName)
% Do the copying and renaming all at once.
copyfile(inputFullFileName, outputFullFileName);
More Answers (3)
Image Analyst
on 28 Jan 2017
You need to take the badly-named B folder and make the full filename out of it
outputBaseFileName = [A(iFile).name(1:3) '_T.txt'];
outputFileName = fullfile(B, outputBaseFileName );
and use that in movefile.
Michael Rowlands
on 2 Jul 2017
Edited: Michael Rowlands
on 2 Jul 2017
I have encountered similar situations where I need to copy and rename files. So I wrote a function to handle many copy and rename configurations. It's a convenient way of copying and renaming large groups of files using lists and wildcards. It's called "easycopy" and is available on the Matlab File Exchange.
(There's also a sister function, "easyrename" which does the same searching and find-replace, but with a move/rename command.)
Here's how it works in the exact situation described by bluegin.
ORIGINAL DIRECTORY: ...copy2\001X.txt, ...002Y.txt, ...003Z.txt
NEW DIRECTORY: ....copy2\newdir
Copying c:\USERN\desktop\copy2\001X.txt
To c:\USERN\desktop\copy2\newdir\001_T.txt
Copying c:\USERN\desktop\copy2\002Y.txt
To c:\USERN\desktop\copy2\newdir\002_T.txt
Copying c:\USERN\desktop\copy2\003Z.txt
To c:\USERN\desktop\copy2\newdir\003_T.txt
See Also
Find more on File Operations in Help Center and File Exchange
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