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How do I plot value ranges in polar or spider

3 views (last 30 days)
Need to plot data using a Spider or Polar chart. As of 1/18/2017, existing MathWorks File Exchange files do not fit the requirements I've outlined below
  • Each axis needs to be independent (axis min and axis max values for each axis is different).
  • Each axis shows the axis range (axis min and axis max, option to turn this on/off)
  • Data point values shown on plot (option to turn this on/off)
  • Each axis must plot the range of the data. Example data set to show what I mean:
  1. Axis Label1: min=0, max=10, datamin=1, datamax=7.
  2. Axis Label2: min=500, max=578, datamin=515, datamax=545.
  3. Axis Label3: min=0, max=100, datamin=45, datamax=75.
  4. .
  5. .
  6. .
  7. Axis Labeln: min=x, max =y, datamin=a, datamax=b.
So, the result is a polar or spider plot that has the areas in between datamin and datamax for each axis filled in with a particular color (see image). The image example shows the plot having only 6 axes, but I will need more.
More Info For Context:
  • Once I can generate the plot described above (and shown in attached) for 1 data set of min and max values,
  • I plan to create other plots using other data sets,
  • then I overlay all the plots to determine what areas (range of values in each axis) that are not covered
I can't find any solutions that fills a range of data per axis. All the solutions fill each axis in the plot from center of plot to the data point. I've also tried to modify existing files in the exchange, but I cant figure out how to edit it to make it do what I want.
  1 Comment
Gab3 on 18 Jan 2017
If the above polar or spider plot is not possible (or too complicated), I would settle for a similar type of chart but in bar format. So each x axis value has a bar that stretches from datamin to datamax (Kind of like a box plot but without all the whiskers and statistical graphics, just a min and max). Has anyone done this before?

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Accepted Answer

Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney on 18 Jan 2017
Given all your specifics, I think it would be much easier to just build the plot manually, rather than try to use any FEX entries. You really just need to do a bunch of polar-to-cartesian conversions to plot this:
% Your data (axis limits and data limits)
lims = [...
0 10 1 7
500 578 515 545
0 100 20 75];
nax = size(lims,1);
axlim = lims(:,1:2);
datalim = lims(:,3:4);
% r and theta for data points
axtheta = linspace(0, 2*pi, nax+1);
axtheta = axtheta(end-1:-1:1)';
rdata = nan(size(datalim));
for iax = 1:nax
rdata(iax,:) = interp1(axlim(iax,:), [0 1], datalim(iax,:));
% Outer and inner rings
xout = rdata(:,2) .* cos(axtheta);
yout = rdata(:,2) .* sin(axtheta);
xout = [xout; xout(1)];
yout = [yout; yout(1)];
xin = rdata(:,1) .* cos(axtheta);
yin = rdata(:,1) .* sin(axtheta);
xin = [xin; xin(1)];
yin = [yin; yin(1)];
% Labels (axis limits and names)
lbl1 = arrayfun(@(lo,hi) sprintf('(%d,%d)', lo, hi), axlim(:,1), axlim(:,2), 'uni', 0);
lbl2 = cellstr(num2str((1:nax)', 'Label %d'));
% The shaded area
xpoly = [xout; xin(end:-1:1); xout(1)];
ypoly = [yout; yin(end:-1:1); yout(1)];
% Plot data = axes('xlim', [-1 1], 'ylim', [-1 1], 'dataaspectratio', [1 1 1], 'visible', 'off');
hold(, 'on');
h.poly = patch(xpoly, ypoly, 'r');
set(h.poly, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'facealpha', 0.2);
h.outline = plot(xout, yout, 'r', xin, yin, 'r');
h.txt = text([xin(1:end-1); xout(1:end-1)], [yin(1:end-1); yout(1:end-1)], cellstr(num2str(datalim(:))));
% Plot axes
h.axline = plot([zeros(1,nax); cos(axtheta')], [zeros(1,nax); sin(axtheta')], '--k');
h.axedge = plot(cos(axtheta([1:end 1])), sin(axtheta([1:end 1])), ':k');
h.axlbl1 = text(cos(axtheta'), sin(axtheta), lbl1, 'fontsize', 8);
h.axlbl2 = text(1.2*cos(axtheta'), 1.2*sin(axtheta'), lbl2, 'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'top');
isleft = cos(axtheta) < 1;
set(h.axlbl1(isleft), 'horiz', 'right');
Repeat the rdata, xout, xin, and xpoly calculations for each of your datasets (you might want to wrap that part in a function if you're going to reuse it a lot.)
  1 Comment
Gab3 on 20 Jan 2017
Kelly, How do I make it so that I can zoom in and out normally. Right now when I zoom in it only zooms in the axes and not the polygons

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