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Here's my issue Variable y=49 files, i want to create a tempdata for each y file (for y1 tempdata1).
for i=1:49 y[i]=files(i,:).name; tempdata[i]=netcdf.getVar(ncid,8); end
If that's not possible, i also have a variable - files(49x1)
i need a loop here, can't handput all files. tempdata[i]=ncread('each file from matrix file.nc','temperature');???
is that possible?
Answers (1)
on 25 Oct 2016
ncfiles = dir('*.nc'); % get all nc files in the folder
nfiles = length(ncfiles) ; % total number of files
% loop for each file
for K = 1 : nfiles
filename = ncfiles(K).name; %just the name
%%get the vairable you want from nc file
T = ncread(filename,'T') ; % doc ncread
%%Append the data where you want
on 26 Oct 2016
Edited: KSSV
on 26 Oct 2016
ncfiles = dir('*.nc'); % get all nc files in the folder
nfiles = length(ncfiles) ; % total number of files
T = cell(nfiles,1) ;
% loop for each file
for K = 1 : nfiles
filename = ncfiles(K).name; %just the name
%%get the vairable you want from nc file
T{K} = ncread(filename,'T') ; % doc ncread
%%Append the data where you want
You have to append T to a whole files matrix which initialized.I wrote it in comment. In the above code for all the files T is saved into cells.
on 27 Feb 2018
For me this does not work. It only works if I have my matlab script or function in the same directory as my .nc-files.... I tried all kind of stuff, but never was successful ... I always get the following error
Error in P_tamsat (line 29)
T = ncread(filename,'rfe');
See Also
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