Arduino Due DAC audio output problem

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi I have recently upgraded from an arduino UNO to a DUE and I'm now trying to use the DAC pins to output a chosen audio input (for the minute an audio file, but hopefully a connectable input after this is sorted).
At first an error would pop up saying "expected input type uint16 instead double was found" which I soon sorted using a converter block. However, now when using the converter, a lot more pops up on the error message screen (see image attached).
It's a very simple circuit connecting the DAC0 output to the positive of the speaker & the ground of the speaker to the ground of the DUE.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Accepted Answer

Ankita Nargundkar
Ankita Nargundkar on 20 Oct 2016
Try using the following command:
>> ls /dev/tty/*
You will get the list of all the Devices connected. For ex: if one of the devices listed is /dev/tty/usbmodemsd131'. Change the "port" argument to the correct port number. You should be able to connect to arduino.

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