Can we put syms function in matlab function block of simulink

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function y = fcn(x_storage,K) %#codegen % for a boiler for i=1:1:500 U_star(:,i)=(x_storage(14,i))-(K(1,:,i)*(X_bar(i,:)')); end y = U_star;
In this code X_bar is a symbolic function and finally the U_star will be symbolic.I'm getting a simulink.signal object error which is not resolving even after i uncheck the checkbox of 'Data store name must resolve to Simulink signal object' option.Is there a way to put a symbolic expression in matlab function block ?

Answers (1)

Dimitris Iliou
Dimitris Iliou on 12 Oct 2016
My understanding is that you want to pass a symbolic expression as an input to a ‘MATLAB function block’ and then, get a symbolic expression as an output from that block.
This can be done from the command line by adding the ‘MATLAB function block’ to a model, as explained below:

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