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How matlab display data from database in gui edit box

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone, i programing license plate recognition programs, and appeared problem. So after few examples i figure out my code.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
conn = database('baze', 'root', 'root', 'Vendor', 'MYSQL', 'Server', 'localhost', 'PortNumber', 3306);
a = get(handles.edit8,'String');
if iscell(a) && numel(a) == 1
a = a{1};
if ~ischar(a) || isempty(a);
error('A valid string must be supplied!');
sqlquery = ['select vardas, pavarde, laipsnis, pareigos, telefonas, marke, numeris, tarnyba from info '...
'where numeris = ' '''' a ''''];
curs = exec(conn, sqlquery);
curs = fetch(curs);
All this i got in Matlab command window, but if i have gui aplication and i want retrive value in gui wich have edit text box. Example: after i input car plate number - got 'vardas' in edit1 and 'pavarde' in edit2. Thanks in advance for the answers.

Accepted Answer

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 2 Oct 2016
Gytis - if you want to retrieve the text from your edit1 and edit2 controls, then in the above pushbutton callback you would use the handles structure to get the values for these controls:
edit1Text = get(handles.edit1,'String');
edit2Text = get(handles.edit2,'String');
You can then use the above two local variables however you wish. Is this the solution that you are looking for?
Gytis Raudonius
Gytis Raudonius on 31 Oct 2016
no it's not working error like Error using subsref Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
Gytis Raudonius
Gytis Raudonius on 1 Nov 2016
solve added code
curs = exec(conn, sqlquery);
curs = fetch(curs);
vardas =,1);

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