Can i monetize (sell) anything i made using matlab with an academic license?
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Waboraro Olefile
on 7 Sep 2016
Commented: Walter Roberson
on 28 Nov 2016
As the heading states, if i create a software, compile it as an exe, and sell that executable, is it legal? can i make a video tutorial on Matlab, sell my video tutorials about Matlab and not worry about copywritte claims?
on 7 Sep 2016
Are you able to create exes with the student version? I assumed the Matlab Compiler is not part of the Student version.
Accepted Answer
on 7 Sep 2016
The only entity that can answer that question with any kind of authority is Mathworks, so you should ask them directly.
My understanding is that you are not allowed to sell any code (compiled or not) that you've developed with an academic license (unless you also purchase a commercial license).
I would think that a video tutorial on matlab, however, you're free to sell.
More Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 7 Sep 2016
You are not permitted to earn money from your use of any MATLAB Student license or Home license.
For Academic license, the answer is a bit more complicated. You cannot earn money from the public from any use of an Academic license. However, if you were creating something that was being used internally by the institution for the purposes of the institution, then possibly Mathworks would allow a "charge-back" between departments (charge-backs are vital within a lot of universities, as the mechanism to "prove" that your work is useful and relevant to the university.) As this is a matter of internal budget reallocation rather than earning new money, Mathworks might possibly allow it: you would have to ask Mathworks about this.
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 28 Nov 2016
From the license agreement in R2016b:
2.1. Academic Internal Operations. The installation and use of the Programs by Licensed Users, in accordance with the Academic License Option acquired, for the purpose of (i) in the case of employees (faculty and academic staff), performing software administration, teaching, and noncommercial, academic research in their ordinary course as Licensee's employees; and (ii) in the case of enrolled students, meeting classroom requirements of courses and study offered by the Licensee. Any other use is expressly prohibited.
Niels Saavedra
on 28 Nov 2016
Did you ask Mathworks? It is possible to earn money with that kind of software or not?
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 28 Nov 2016
Only if doing so fits within "performing software administration, teaching, and noncommercial, academic research". Basically, if you earn money from outside the institution with an Academic license, that would very likely be a violation. Charging individual students for use of a program or video would very likely be a violation as well.
The one thing that might perhaps be allowed is for one group at an academic institution to be asked to produce a program or video for a different group at the institution, and for the group performing that task to "charge back" to the requesting group. You would have to ask Mathworks about any particular such charge-back setup.
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