Has anyone had success in creating a Report generator class to properly fill holes in a Word document?

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I have been working with the Report generator dom.api function moveToNextHole(report) to fill in content controls in a Microsoft Word ".dotx" template with no issues. However, in trying to use a class to fill in the content control holes, anything I try to populate (whether text, pictures, or any other content) just ends up at the beginning of the output document, not where the content control holes are. I found this to be true even in just trying to use the Mathworks example given in the "mlreportgen.dom.Document.fill" documentation.

Accepted Answer

Paul Kinnucan
Paul Kinnucan on 6 Oct 2016
Edited: Paul Kinnucan on 6 Oct 2016
To generate a report from a DOM-based document object:
  • Derive your report class from mlreportgen.dom.Document class, for example
% MyReport.m
class MyReport < mlreportgen.dom.Document
function rpt = MyReport(name)
rpt@mlreportgen.dom.Document(name, 'docx', 'MyTemplate');
  • Provide a public fill<HOLEID> method for each hole in your report template, where HOLEID is the name of the hole, for example,
class MyReport < mlreportgen.dom.Document
function rpt = MyReport(name)
rpt@mlreportgen.dom.Document(name, 'docx', 'MyTemplate');
% This method is called by mlreportgen.dom.Document's fill method.
% Do not call it yourself.
function fillReportDate(rpt)
append(rpt, date);
  • Create a report program (i.e., script or function) to run the report.
  • In the report program, create an instance of your report class and call its fill method (inherited from mlreportgen.dom.Document class), for example,
% runMyReport.m
rpt = MyReport('myreport');

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