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Moving average of semi-deviation

2 views (last 30 days)
rb250660 on 15 Jun 2016
Commented: Chris Turnes on 17 Jun 2016
I am trying to calculate the moving average of the semi-deviation of 1 column of data. I have been able to find a semi-deviation add-in but cannot find anything about making a moving average of the semi-deviation.
Any help appreciated.

Answers (4)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Jun 2016
What is the definition of " semi-deviation"?
If you mean "Standard Deviation" then try stdfilt() or movstd().
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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 16 Jun 2016
If you have a column vector of data and want the sd of data below the mean, just to
theMean = mean(data);
semiDeviation = std(data(data<theMean));

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rb250660 on 16 Jun 2016
Basically is measures the standard deviation of the values that fall below the mean only.
I guess I can use the script I found and run it through a loop to get the moving average. How would I do this?

Star Strider
Star Strider on 16 Jun 2016
I wrote my own function from your link and implemented an unfortunately inefficient filter to get the moving semideviation (using my own semideviation function):
semidev = @(x) sqrt(sum((mean(x(:)) - x(x(:) < mean(x(:)))).^2) / length(x(:)));
intvl = 10; % Index Interval For Moving Average
t = 1:100; % Time Vector
data = randn(1, 100); % Create Data
datav = [data, data(end-intvl+1:end)]; % ‘Pad’ ‘data’ With Repeat End Data
for k1 = 1:length(datav)-intvl;
wndw = k1:k1+intvl; % Subscript ‘Window’
sv(wndw) = semidev(datav(wndw)); % Calculate Semideviation Over ‘Window’
sv = sv(1:length(data)); % Trim To Correct Length
plot(t, data, 'bp')
hold on
plot(t, sv, '-r')
hold off
It runs. I’ll let you determine if it produces the correct results.

rb250660 on 17 Jun 2016
Thanks for the reply Star Strider. After some thought and further reading I propose the following code.
intvl = 10; % Index Interval For Moving Average
t = 1:100; % Time Vector
data = randn(1, 100); % Create Data
data_movmean = movmean( data, [intvl, 0] ); % Moving average of data
data_ds = data; % Set up downside dta array
data_ds( data > data_movmean ) = 0; % Modify downside data - zero values above mean
data_movdsstd = movstd( data_ds, [intvl, 0] ); % Semi-deviation
figure( 1 )
plot( t, data, 'bp' )
hold on
plot( t, data_movdsstd, '-r' )
hold off
Star Strider
Star Strider on 17 Jun 2016
If it gives you the result you want, go for it!
I based my anonymous function code on the expression you linked to. It should give you the result you want, since all the x-values meeting the criteria are set to their appropriate values, and those that do not meet the criteria are set to zero by default anyway.
Chris Turnes
Chris Turnes on 17 Jun 2016
The movstd call here will include the zeros in the calculation. From the definition, it sounds like you want to ignore those points, rather than treat them as zero. I think you could do this by:
data_ds( data > data_movmean ) = nan;
data_movdsstd = movstd( data_ds, [intvl, 0], 'omitnan' );
This should actually ignore those points rather than just consider them to be zero.

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