Can't connect MATLAB 2016 to Arduino using arduino() function ??

1 view (last 30 days)
I am working on a servo motor that's gonna receive an angle value from matlab. Previously we were using arduino ide but there were problems in creating an arduino serial communication. Then we began using serial communication with arduino built-in function in matlab 2016.
But problem did not go away. Even a few minutes ago, the servo was doing the job. Then when we ran the program again, this popped up, again,
" Failed to open serial port COM5 to communicate with board Mega2560. Make sure there is no other MATLAB arduino object for this board. For troubleshooting, see Arduino Hardware Troubleshooting."
This has been really frasustrating ! Please guyz, anyone have any idea what went wrong here or how to solve it ??
Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 May 2016
You have an existing arduino object. The single easiest way to make certain it is gone is to restart MATLAB.
Kazi on 30 May 2016
Edited: Walter Roberson on 31 May 2016
Thanks Walter, that worked. All I had to do was write these two in the beginning of the code
clear a
clear s
That's it !
Swapnil Desai
Swapnil Desai on 14 May 2018
I still can't get a connection, Is there any other solution ?

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More Answers (1)

HAMZA ABBASI on 24 Jun 2018
Edited: HAMZA ABBASI on 24 Jun 2018
write clear all in the first line of code
Alex Barbu
Alex Barbu on 10 Mar 2019
it doesnt work even I cleared all before writing the code. it gets the same error:
>> a=arduino('COM41','Uno');
Failed to open serial port COM41 to communicate with board Uno. Make sure there is no other MATLAB arduino object for
this board. For troubleshooting, see Arduino Hardware Troubleshooting.

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