The selected library block no longer exists? How can i fix this?

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Whenever I try to move one of the library block to the blank page of simulink. Matlab gives me the following warning:
It also says: "Warning: Cannot find an exact case-sensitive match for the model or library name 'simulink'. Using the closest case-insensitive match: 'Simulink' at 'C:\Users\Dell\Documents\MATLAB\Simulink.slx'. Case-insensitive matching will be removed in a future release. Specify exact case instead."
Can someone help me out with this? Thank you!
Sincerely, a desperate student
Bodyl Overvelde
Bodyl Overvelde on 26 Jan 2017
Edited: Bodyl Overvelde on 26 Jan 2017
i have the same problem with every block, and restarting did not help
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 26 Jan 2017
Did you try checking if you had something shadowing the built-in function simulink?
which -all simulink
That command should list only files inside subdirectories of the toolbox\simulink directory under matlabroot. If it lists other files, rename those other files then restart MATLAB and try again.

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Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 10 May 2016
Try renaming the file C:\Users\Dell\Documents\MATLAB\Simulink.slx to something other than Simulink.slx, like mySimulinkModel.slx. There may be a conflict between the simulink function in MATLAB and the name of your model that's confusing Simulink® when you try to add a block to the model.
Banchon Sripanha
Banchon Sripanha on 11 May 2016
Thank you for your respond! But it didn't work.. I also tried downloading it for the second time but it still gives me the same error.
Banchon Sripanha
Banchon Sripanha on 11 May 2016
Update: It did help! All I need to do was restarting the program after I renamed my file!

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More Answers (3)

Ushik Mewalal
Ushik Mewalal on 5 Dec 2017
The solution by Steven Lord worked for me.
This issue occurred on 2017b, though I still used 2016b without a problem.
As Steven said, changing the "Simulink" file name to something else, then restarting the program worked for me.

Daniel Haro
Daniel Haro on 27 Nov 2019
The problem I had was that I named my file as Simulink.slx, so that created a conflict. I just renamed my file taking in consideration not to call it with names associated with Matlab´s files.

dan luo
dan luo on 11 Jan 2020


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