Could I use a function to achieve this task?

1 view (last 30 days)
JDilla on 27 Apr 2016
Answered: Ayush Aniket on 28 Jan 2025
Hi guys,
My code here generates a wave from a source (wave a). I want to create a diagonal line of N sources (Starting from wave a, ending at wave n). As you can see from my code, I've manually added a second wave b in diagonally, changing [x,y] manually as well - where it says %offsets secondary source).
I want to know if, instead of adding each source manually, I can create a function to do this that will generate N amounts of sources in a diagonal line, and I want there to be a time delay between each one. Wave a propagates first, then wave b, then wave c, a bit like a domino effect.
%define the total time for simulation
%set the computation increment
%calculate the number of steps
%define Input Waves
alphaa=2; %velocity of wave a
fa=1; %frequency of wave a
ampa=1; %amplitude of wave a
alphab=2; %velocity of wave b
fb=1; %frequency of wave b
ampb=1; %amplitude of wave b
%Calc wave parameters using input
Ta=1/fa; %period of wave a
wa=2*pi*fa; %angular frequency of wave a
la=Ta*alphaa;%wavelength of wave a
ka=2*pi/la; %wavenumber of wave a
Tb=1/fb; %period of wave b
wb=2*pi*fb; %angular frequency of wave b
lb=Tb*alphab;%wavelength of wave b
kb=2*pi/lb; %wavenumber of wave b
x=(-20:0.1:20); %define the x coordinates
y=(-20:0.1:20); %define the y coordinates
t=zeros(length(x),length(y)); %start time at each point in x by y grid (zero everywhere)
%setup the figure
%label axes
hold on
[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); %create the mesh: matrix X contains x-by-y values of x, Y contains x-by-y values of y
R1=sqrt(X.^2+Y.^2); %define the distances to all points on the x-by-y grid.
R2=sqrt((X-5).^2+(Y+5).^2); %Offsets secondary source
%loop over nsamp
for n=1:ntstep
t=t+dt; %time
arga=wa*t-ka*R1; %argument of wave a
a=ampa*sin(arga)./max(1,sqrt(R1)); %amplitude of wave a
a(R1>t.*alphaa)=0; %causality condition for a
a(R1<t.*alphaa-la/2)=0; %limit length of input wave a to one half cycle
argb=wb*t-kb*R2; %argument of wave a
b=ampb*sin(argb)./max(1,sqrt(R2)); %amplitude of wave a
b(R2>t.*alphab)=0; %causality condition for a
b(R2<t.*alphab-lb/2)=0; %limit length of input wave a to one half cycle
%set up the figure
hold off;
surf(X,Y,a+b); %plot the sum of the waves a and b at all locations defined by [X,Y]
axis square; %set square axes
shading INTERP; %interpolate the shading
caxis([0,1]); %define the limits of the colour bar
c=colorbar; %draw the colour bar
ylabel(c,'Amplitude (m)'); % label the colour bar
view (2); %set the view to aerial
hold on;
%label axes
xlabel('Distance x (m)');
ylabel('Distance y (m)');
%limit axes
xlim([x(1), x(length(x))]);
ylim([x(1), y(length(y))]);
title(strcat('time =', num2str(t(1)),' s'));
%pause (dt); % can pause each increment of the simulation for slower

Answers (1)

Ayush Aniket
Ayush Aniket on 28 Jan 2025
To automate the generation of multiple wave sources along a diagonal line and introduce a time delay between each, you can define a function that generates waves at specified offsets and applies a time delay for each new wave. Refer to the code snippet below:
function simulateWaves(N, T_total, dt, alpha, f, amp, offset)
% N: Number of sources
% T_total: Total simulation time
% dt: Time increment
% alpha: Velocity of waves
% f: Frequency of waves
% amp: Amplitude of waves
% offset: [x, y] offset for each subsequent source
% Calculate wave parameters
T = 1/f;
w = 2*pi*f;
l = T*alpha;
k = 2*pi/l;
% Define grid
x = (-20:0.1:20);
y = (-20:0.1:20);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
% Initialize time
t = zeros(length(x), length(y));
ntstep = T_total/dt + 1;
% Setup figure
hold on;
% Loop over time steps
for n = 1:ntstep
t = t + dt; % Increment time
% Initialize wave field
waveField = zeros(size(X));
% Loop over each source
for i = 0:(N-1)
% Calculate offset for current source
xOffset = i * offset(1);
yOffset = i * offset(2);
% Calculate distance from current source
R = sqrt((X - xOffset).^2 + (Y - yOffset).^2);
% Calculate wave argument and amplitude
arg = w * (t - i * dt) - k * R;
wave = amp * sin(arg) ./ max(1, sqrt(R));
% Apply causality condition
wave(R > (t - i * dt) * alpha) = 0;
wave(R < (t - i * dt) * alpha - l/2) = 0;
% Add to wave field
waveField = waveField + wave;
% Plot the wave field
hold off;
surf(X, Y, waveField);
axis square;
shading interp;
caxis([0, amp]);
xlabel('Distance x (m)');
ylabel('Distance y (m)');
title(sprintf('time = %.2f s', t(1)));
% Pause for visualization
% Usage
simulateWaves(5, 5, 0.05, 2, 1, 1, [5, -5]); % Example with 5 sources
The function takes the number of sources N, total simulation time T_total, time increment dt, wave parameters (alpha, f, amp) and the offset for each new source. For each time step, the code calculates the wave propagation for each source, applying a time delay (i * dt) for each subsequent source, thus creating a domino effect.


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