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Changing file name in matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
Tanmoyee Bhattacharya
Tanmoyee Bhattacharya on 4 Mar 2016
Answered: Guillaume on 4 Mar 2016
I have multiple text files. They are data_23_45.23, data_34.56_56.56, data_23_45
I want to change names and they are data_23.00_45.23, data_34.56_56.56, data_23.00_45.00
How can I change file name.

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Mar 2016
You can rename() individual files.
I do not see any pattern in your renaming so I cannot offer code to carry out the task in general.

Guillaume on 4 Mar 2016
If I understood correctly:
%get list of files
folder = 'c:\somewhere\on\a\filesystem\';
files = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.txt'));
filenames = {}
%find files with incomplete names
filepattern = regexp(filenames, '(data_\d+)(\.\d+)?(_\d+)(\.\d+)?(.*)', 'tokens', 'once');
isdatafile = cellfun(@numel, filepattern) == 5;
filenames(~isdatafile) = []; %eliminate files that don't conform to the basic pattern
filepattern(~isdatafile) = [];
filepattern = vertcat(filepattern{:}); %concatenate file patterns into an nx5 cell array
hasmissingpattern = cellfun(@isempty, filepattern); %find missing entries
filepattern(hasmissingpattern) = {'.00'};
%only rename files whose name has changed
filenames = filenames(any(hasmissingpattern, 2));
filepattern = num2cell(filepattern(any(hasmissingpattern, 2), :), 2);
%rename files
cellfun(@(old, new) movefile(fullfile(folder, old), fullfile(folder, strjoin(new, ''))), filenames', filepattern);


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